Wednesday, March 26, 2008


We have a garage and that is progress.

One of the hardest parts about remodeling and building is watching the progress. It seems to go really slow. The most depressing days are when you drive by and no one is working. You just have to realize that that is how it goes and somehow it will get done.

One thing I didn't anticipate with remodeling is that my house is actually getting worse before it will get better. What was once just a tacky house is now uninhabitable. That scares me for some reason. Here is my future kitchen/family room.


Anonymous said...

I walked by your house yesterday- it's looking good!

Isabelle Cannon said...

oh the garage looks great!!! I am really getting nerveous for my remodel. I need to call you to get a good pep talk.

Jen said...

Progress!! I'm so excited for you guys. I can't wait to see what happens next-it looks great!

Tiffany said...

Bethany- I love the tearing down part of renovation because it is faster to take it all down then it is to rebuild it. I am excited to see it when it's all done!


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