I purchased these new-to-me counter stools last weekend to go around my island. I found them on KSL.com - a local website with classified ads similar to craigslist. They were $50 each, had never been used, and were exactly what I was looking for.
Well, not exactly...but I am planning on slipcovering them to look like these counter stools, which retail for $600 each. Since I need five of them, I figured that I saved $2200 by buying used. (That is figuring that it will probably cost me $100 a chair in time and material to slipcover them).
If you are in the mood to shop for furniture on craigslist or KSL.com here is the trick. Don't expect that you will find something the first time you look. Check the website daily. I looked on the website everyday for two weeks before I found these stools. Happy Hunting.
I wish i could have your brain and ideas for just one day!!! I'm sure I'd like my house if I could see it through your eyes!!!
Good tip. Is KSL local to UT? We're redoing our kitchen right now (blah) so I'm always looking for cheap alternatives.
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